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Copies of Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats are available from the the nutritional needs of animals use the Animal Nutrition Series to guide. How often should I feed my dog? Most owners feed their dogs twice a day. Smaller dogs and dogs with active lifestyles can benefit from being fed twice a day It is entirely acceptable to feed your dog a pure kibble diet. Or you can mix their diet up with some cooked or raw meat, fish, vegetables and rice. Many owners Most adult, indoor, spayed or neutered dogs have low energy requirements. Your dog's diet should contain a relatively small number of calories per cup; ideallyGuide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Manual | Version: July, 2021. Feeding Guidelines The instructions on the dog food bag are only general averages. Appropriate treats for guide dog puppies · Part of their meal. Keeping some of their allocated meals as treats can be done for food reward. · High-quality soft Feeding Your Adult Dog. Adult dogs need sufficient nutrition to meet their energy needs and support good health. Normally, adult dogs get two meals a day: one If your vet advises that a more nutrient enriched diet is required, a slow transition to the new food is vital. We recommend feeding dogs separately to avoid The easiest way would be to feed 75% of the old diet with 25% of the recommended feeding amount of the new food for a day or two, followed by 1-2 days at 50/50
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